Perhaps the piclist needs to add a "sig" like the one from the WinNT list: >--------------------------------------------------------------------- >The WINNT-L list is hosted on a Windows NT(TM) machine running L-Soft >international's LISTSERV(R) software. To unsubscribe, send a SIGNOFF >WINNT-L command to LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM. If you have ques- >tions about the list, write to WINNT-L-REQUEST@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM. >For LISTSERV sales information, just write to SALES@LSOFT.COM. (In my best Drill-Sergeant-like voice) WHY CAN'T SOME PEOPLE GET OFF THE LIST WHEN THEY GOT THEMSELVES ON THE LIST? WHY DON'T SOME PEOPLE SAVE THE UNSUBSCRIBE INSTRUCTIONS? WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOME PEOPLE TO LEARN HOW TO USE A LIST SERVER? WHY DO SOME PEOPLE EXPECT EVERYONE ELSE TO DO IT FOR THEM? WHY CAN'T SOME PEOPLE SPELL "UNSCRIBE" CORRECTLY? WHY IS THIS THREAD STILL GOING? WHAT IS PRIVATE PYLE DOING IN MY HEAD? WHY DO I ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS? I CAN'T H-E-A-R YOU! *** NOTE: TO REPLY REMOVE THE "$" FROM THE E-MAIL ADDRESS. This e-mail address is a 'facsimile receiver' as defined by Title 47 USC. Sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to this address is a violation of US Federal Law.