Dear unknown piclistmember I hope this reaches an intelligent piclistmember, who can direct me to some "useful" information on how to reach one of the administrators of the piclist, so I can get unsubscribed. All my other attempts have failed so far. I had the misfortune to lose a harddrive and has a redirected mailadr. which I have no direct access to anymore, so my options are limited ! Please just mail If you actually know something, I do not want to be the cause for more junkmail in the piclist. By the by - in the end of this mail there is some hopefully useful information for other piclistmembers : Yours Chris von Ahnen J¿rgensen ------------------------ "I think not," said Descartes, and disappeared. ------------------------------------------------------- > Help piclist LISTSERV(r) version 1.8c - most commonly used commands Info Order documentation Lists Get a description of all lists SUBscribe listname Subscribe to a list SIGNOFF listname Sign off from a list SIGNOFF * (NETWIDE - from all lists on all servers REView listname Review a list Query listname Query your subscription options SET listname options Update your subscription options INDex Order a list of LISTSERV files GET filename filetype Order a file from LISTSERV REGister full_name|OFF Tell LISTSERV about your name GET LIST HEADER Document on how to create a list GET REMOVE A-LIST Document on how to delete a list There are more commands (AFD, FUI, PW, etc). Send an INFO REFCARD for a comprehensive reference card, or just INFO for a list of available documentation files. This server is managed by: LSVPOST@MITVMA.BITNET Noel Hart Jeff Harrington ----------------------------------------------------------