David Bramham wrote: > Hi all, > I have a copy of RCV2LCD.SRC for Parallax PIC > Application.I would like to > convert it to an MPlab ASM file .However,I have problems > converting such statements as 'csne'and 'cjb'. Does > anybody have either a this program in ASM file format or > a list of conversions between the 2 codes. David I also wanted to convert for Parallax to Microchip recently and was franticly searching for a suitable converter program. The all of a sudden it struck me..... You can do the entire translation with MLPAB! It works beautifully. This is what you do... You import the Parallax OBJ file in to memory (under File menu). The Parallax OBJ file is also INHX8M (Intel Hex 8-bit Merged format) format, so MPLAB has no problem importing it. Then you display the program memory window (under Window menu). This will give you the assembler together with line numbers and addresses. Select and copy this to a text file and you have your assembler. You'll have to manually edit it a bit to change the calls and goto's to labels again, but at least you will have a 100% correctly translated file. :) Hope this helps. Rgds Werner -- Werner Terreblanche http://users.iafrica.com/w/we/wernerte/index.htm wterreb@plessey.co.za (work) OR wernerte@iafrica.com (home) Plessey SA, PO Box 30451,Tokai 7966, Cape Town, South Africa or at home : Suite 251, PostNet X5061, Stellenbosch, 7599 Tel +27 21 7102251 Fax +27 21 7102886 Home +27 21 8872196 ------------------------------------------------------------