Hello all, I'm sorry I haven't written back about my PICSTART Plus problems for a while, but I have been "out of circulation" for a little while. I tried all the changes to the hardware that I could, including using different COM ports and different baud rates and I talked to the distributor that I bought it from. And then I downloaded the newest version of MPLAB (v3.22.02). And the programmer hasn't failed me since. It still freezes for a little while, when I tell it to program but rather than bringing up a popup to say "Check cabling" I just wait for 20-30 secs and then it works fine. I could be happier, because it still looks like the problem (whatever it is) is still there, but that now the software is set to have more retries. But I guess I can't grumble too much, after all, I must have programmed my prototyping '84 about 50 times since without a single failure. Thanks everyone for your help/suggestions. It never ceases to amaze me how helpful a group of people the PICLIST really is. Regards, Alex Thomas Campbell Scientific Australia csa@ultra.net.au