I have been reading this list for only a few weeks now and find it interesting and potentially useful but, like Tjaart van der Walt, I note a certain amount of repetitiveness of subject. To some degree this is unavoidable but for much material this may be able to be reduced by both having a FAQ or resource repositry and, most importantly, having a regular message which points readers to it. To be done well someone would need to edit threads and save the core material. NO, I'm not volunteering :-). Any volunteers? > From: Tjaart van der Walt > So this was the two-monthly virus warning... We've just had the monthly OS war, the two-weekly > don't-reply-to-spam discussion and the my-Windows-DLL-is -bigger-than-yours, not to mention the usual > gimme-your-code-for-I2C. Whatever happened to the where-can-I-find-a-programmer-for-under $1. > (Of course, someone will misread my message, and kindly direct me to such a programmer)