Try for a unit called the PTV 30 palmtop PC. Also in the same area is HP's 200LX. Both are DOS/XT/Mono CGA. I will add the disclaimer that I have never used either one of these devices, only that I ran across EduCalc's web site a few days ago. I HAVE bought from EduCalc many times in the past (in my HP-41 days) and found them to be a great place to deal with. Frank Richterkessing Experimental Methods Engineer GE Appliances FRANK.RICHTERKESSING@APPL.GE.COM "The secret to good housekeeping -- Use low wattage bulbs!" > ---------- > From: Gerhard Fiedler[SMTP:Gerhard@POBOX.COM] > Reply To: pic microcontroller discussion list > Sent: Thursday, August 07, 1997 4:36PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: handheld PC-comp. device (off topic) > > Excuse me for this off topic question (you might answer private, if > you've > got something...) > > I need a handheld device with something in it that is more or less PC > (XT) > compatible -- enough compatible to be able to run standard DOS comm > apps on > it. (I'd rather try to avoid stuff like Embedded DOS or the like, but > as a > last resort this might be possible, too.) > > Display, keys and memory requirements are not excessive, but I need a > COM > port (obviously :-). > > If anybody could point me to some manufacturers for small quantities > of > such a device, I'd appreciate that greatly. > > Thanks, > > Gerhard >