> Excuse me for this off topic question (you might answer private, if you've > got something...) > > I need a handheld device with something in it that is more or less PC (XT) > compatible -- enough compatible to be able to run standard DOS comm apps on > it. (I'd rather try to avoid stuff like Embedded DOS or the like, but as a > last resort this might be possible, too.) > > Display, keys and memory requirements are not excessive, but I need a COM > port (obviously :-). > > If anybody could point me to some manufacturers for small quantities of > such a device, I'd appreciate that greatly. > > Thanks, > > Gerhard HP100LX, about $450 or so new, is a complete handheld XT that runs all DOS apps, has a CGA equivelent display and a keyboard. Has a standard comm port. Runs on 2 AA batteries, is about 3" x 1 1/8" x7". -dg David Gould dg@illustra.com 510.628.3783 or 510.305.9468 Informix Software 300 Lakeside Drive Oakland, CA 94612 - I realize now that irony has no place in business communications.