In message <> PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU writes: > Would love to take some pics of a design and might use a camcorder, but > I'd love to get higher res pics from some sort of frame grabber. > > Anyone know of a frame grabber which will input colour pictures AND > software which can read in several pictures of say 320x400 and build > up a 640x480 still - suitable for web page output of a quality > comparable to that from a digital camera ? > > OR is there a VHS camcorder which has the capability to download higher > resolution stills AS WELL as taking movies ? Sony produce Digital Cam-Corders, these have the capability to be connected to a PC to provide digital stills. Unfortunately they require some kind of 'interface lead', and these are VERY! expensive (as are the cameras!). Nigel. /--------------------------------------------------------------\ | Nigel Goodwin | Internet : | | Lower Pilsley | Web Page : | | Chesterfield | | | England | | \--------------------------------------------------------------/