Hello everyone!! I hope that I will at least save someone some time waiting for the configuration bits on a PIC17c44 or similar to erase some time. I was quite shocked to have my erase time jump from about 3 mins to 25 mins when I moved from the 16C71 to the 17C44. Main problem is that the configuration bits take two to three times longer than the program memory to erase. I have just figured out that as long as I don't want to change the config bits, I don't have to wait for them to erase!! Silly me!! My picstart is friendly enough to tell me whether the program memory, config bits of both are unerased when I do a blank check - as long as it doesn't moan about the program memory, I can reprogram right away. I know it is obvious, but if I save one person 15 mins for every reprogram this message was worth it... One question - the new MPLab picstart programmer status window has a button to program directly without having to pull down the top menu. Is there any way to configure this button to only program the first say 500h locations, as one can when using the top (pulldown) menu?? Thanks Roland