On Thu, 7 Aug 1997 04:22:57 -0300 avrbasic@USA.NET writes: >At 03:35 PM 7/8/97 +0100, you wrote: >>HI guys... >> >>I'm working on a project with a 16C554, using the RB0 external >interrupt to > >where did you get on hold of 16C554 with Interrupts? The 554 is a 14-bit machine: 8-level stack, interrupts, in/out on A4, 80 bytes RAM in one page, the whole works that would come in say a '61. Microchip insists on a rather muddy numbering scheme. > >there was some discussion about it, it looks like all commands that >have the PORTB adress inside the command word do a portb read (even >if command shouldnt) some RETLW could access portb and something like. > >It maybe that this feature of 'ghost accesses' to register file has >been fixed by Microchip in some newer chips. PIC16C84 I think still >has some commands that do a "ghost read". Was there ever any clear indication of what chips and when this was done? I assume Mchip's party line on this (for all chips) is to use the RBIC interrupt only to wake up from sleep to avoid this problem. >>ps. I note that the Atmel AT90S8515 RISC processor has "120 powerful >>instructions". >its the way of counting. and marketing. If RISC is hot, we call it >RISC. >ST62 has real few commands but nobody calls it RISC. > >AVR "120" instructions is "high count" it is possible to count much >less instructions than 120. just the way of counting. > >in 120 are counted 20 bit_branches on conditon, >I would count then as one, and so on. There are about 60 uniquely different AVR instructions. A lot of this results from breaking the AVR's data space up into registers, I/O, and SRAM, then making specialized instructions for each space.