At 5:07 AM 8/7/97, Peter Cousens wrote: >Anyone have a source for Easy Pic'n in the U.K [?] I have seen a UK bookseller mentioned in some FAQ, but don't recall who it was. The following information may be helpful: Title: Easy PIC'n Version 2.0 Author: David Benson ISBN: 0-9654162-0-8 Publisher: Square 1 Electronics P.O. Box 501 Kelseyville, CA USA Phone: 707-279-8881 Fax: 707-279-8883 E-mail: An order form in the back of the book indicates that the publisher will ship overseas. Price is US$29.95 + $6 to $14 shipping, depending on destination. Publisher accepts VISA, MC, AE cards, as well as cheques (spelt this way just for you) and money orders.