In a message dated 97-08-06 10:29:26 EDT, you write: << Hi all, (A real quick query to an off topic item) Would love to take some pics of a design and might use a camcorder, but I'd love to get higher res pics from some sort of frame grabber. Anyone know of a frame grabber which will input colour pictures AND software which can read in several pictures of say 320x400 and build up a 640x480 still - suitable for web page output of a quality comparable to that from a digital camera ? OR is there a VHS camcorder which has the capability to download higher resolution stills AS WELL as taking movies ? rgds mike Perth, Western Australia >> Hello Mike, I use a Hauppauge Wincast board. I got it on sale for $49 US. Now it runs $89 US. It can be used as a TV tuner, Frame grabber from TV or a Video source,and it will digitize Video at 30 fps. I also have a Miro Mpeg card but it was $400 and it still only does 30fps. Miro has a PCI bus board for about $700 that will do 60fps and full hardware compression. I got both cards from D&H distributing here in the US. Dave Duley V.P. DreiTek Inc