I'm attempting to use a LTC1325 microprocessor-controlled battery management system from Linear with a PIC. It appears to be a versitile chip and can be used to charge just about any type of battery you desire. It requires several external components to drive the charging/discharging of the battery, but the devices suggested are fairly common IRF devices. It also has a "gas gauge" mode which measures the average voltage accross a sense resistor to determine the average battery load current. Or so goes the advertisement. Has anyone else used/attempted this controller? How accurate is the "gas gauge"? Oh, it does a a 10 bit deep ADC to perform all of the various measurements required during charging as measuring load current. -- Garrick Kremesec Beckman Institute - RA http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~gkremese gkremese@uiuc.edu