All this fluxgate compass stuff is real interesting, but a little too late for me. When in high school I was intrigued with the automatic pilot on my father's boat. It had a floating magnet compass with a card with a flag on it. The base of the compass had lamp and photocell assembly that could rotate so the flag on the card would block half the light from the lamp to the photocell. The rotation of the base was connected to the motor that would steer the rudders. There was a clutch between the motor and the rudders. The clutch served a couple purposes. One was that it let you turn the autopilot off! The second was that if the clutch was off, the autopilot continued to adjust the compass base so the flag half covered the photocell. When you turned the clutch back on, the boat would keep going in the current direction. Anyway, I wanted to make a fluxgate automatic pilot. Unfortunately, my father's boat sank last November when it hit a sandbar going into Tamales Bay in fog. Harold