John Payson wrote: > I'm not sure if I fully understand what the original poster is doing, > but I had a somewhat similar problem awhile ago after swapping I/O > cards on a PC. The problem I had was that there are two different > pinouts for the 10-pin "post" connectors found on many motherboards > and I/O cards. Some cards require a cable that maps pin 1->1, 2->2, > 3->3, etc. (numerical order) while others expect 1->1, 2->6, 3->2, > 4->7, 5->3, etc. (positional order when using crimp-on ribbon cable > connectors). I personally call the variety in which the IDC header numbers match the DE-9 pin numbers "XT-style" and those in which the cable crimps in standard fashion to both IDC header (except pin 10) and DE-9 IDC, "AT-style", simply because these were the type of I/O cards on which I originally encountered these conventions. You could call them "loose wire" or "numeric" and "IDC" or "positional" types if you wish. I could not believe the insanity of it however when the "XT" convention began to appear on AIO (All-In-One) motherboards. Apparently this relates to the use of PRC labour to hand-solder all those little wires? > Unfortunately, there's no particularly good way to tell what type of > cable any particular card requires and sometimes Murpy will have the > wrong cable "sort of work" just enough to distract your attention from > the real problem. Actually, that is the easy bit. Look for the ground connection on the card (or motherboard. It may be difficult on 6-plane motherboards of course - use a buzz-box with 3V battery to find it), which is pin 5. If pin 5 is in the middle, it is the "AT" or "IDC" style, if it is at the end, the "XT" or "loose" style. The *hard* part is to figure out what's inside the (moulded) DE-9 socket cable boot. I reckon if you were a serious PC assembler, you'd have a tester built into a Zippy box with DE-9 socket and 10-pin IDE header (mounted on Vero), with four LEDs arranged at the corners. A battery and resistors would run from pin 5 on the DE-9 to the LEDS corresponding to the two middle and diagonal corner positions of the header so that four LEDs would identify which end was pin 1 for a particular cable and of which type. A DB-25 socket could also be added for that style of spill lead. Of course, you could even put a PIC and 4->10 demultiplexer into the Zippy to perform a complete functional testing of all lines with type and polarity sensing as above, plus intermittent identification. Now THERE's a project! Cheers, Paul B.