Dear all In all the excitement regarding magnetic direction devices, has anyone mentioned fluxgate devices with arc-minute accuracy? (specious claim - indefensible really). I read Electronics and Wireless World 5 years back now, got the kit and built one sensitive to micro-gauss for monitoring the earths magnetic field for incipient aurorae. The company supplying the coil, Telcon metals, still exists as far as I know and thus so should the supplier of the kit. It strikes me as being the perfect thing for a PIC project. What's more it has a follow-up article using it as the core of an electronic compass. In the kit you use an oscillator and dividers to drive a square way across a coil and pick the saturation effects up using orthogonal sense coils on the rising and falling edges of the excitation wave. To drive it with a PIC and transistor array- too easy sir. What *and* use an 8 bit ADC to measure the output signal ? Given a sufficient kick I may even bother to dig up the reference. Email me if sufficiently desperate. Mike *************************************************************************** M. Harrison TEL 44 1235 445288 Space Science division Fax 44 1235 445848 Rutherford Appleton Lab email Building R25 Room 2.124 Chilton Oxon OX11 0QX UK ***************************************************************************