Hi, Can anyone recomend a 20x2 LCD with LED backlight and source code or a library for driving it (preferably in or from basic). I'm limited I/O`wise to using 4 bits of port B for data, and another 3 for the control lines. All the other I/O lines are used. Also, does anyone have Protel library files for 16C74 (Schem and PLCC) to save me reinventing the wheel? I'll be doing as much of the program in BASIC as possible and using inline asm only where necessary. (Customer Specs) Thanks, Glen Fry ESM Australia Pty Ltd Electronic Systems Maintenance - 24 Hours ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Glen Fry [fry@powerup.com.au] P.O. Box 91 Vox: + 61 3279 2481 Sumner Park Vox: 0417 739 809 (Mobile Phone) Brisbane, 4074 Fax: + 617 3279 2482 Australia