>>So is there a TRUE 32-bit OS out there? > >Does it matter ? I don't really care if 95 is a *true* 32-bit OS or not. But there are some things I like about it. (And some I don't...) I like not having to worry about memory models and whether I'm going to wrap around a 64k segment and how big my pointers are and whether it's a near call or a far call. I also like that the 32 bit address space gives you room for neat tricks like memory mapped files. >Why FORCE one instruction per 32 bits when you can get TWO or more ? It's not the simple. Not every x86 protected mode instruction is 32 bits wide. Not every instruction on the 8086 was 16 bits wide, either. It's my understanding that a 32 bit OS has a 32 bit address space, and that the size of the opcodes is irrelevant. later, newell