In message , Stephen H Alsop writes >Does anyone know if MPLAB can be run on the new >Hewlett Packard Palmtop computers which have a small >version of Window preinstalled (call Windows CE) > >If anyone has done this then I would be pleased to know how > I've got the HP 320LX. It won't run ordinary Windows software, however, (or even DOS applications) because it doesn't use an 80X86 CPU. All the new Windows CE palmtops use either the Hitachi SH3 or MIPS RISC processors. The next version of Windows CE will also be available for the 80X86, but palmtops with these processors won't run ordinary Windows software either, because the OS is so different. If the source code was available, it wouldn't be too diificult to get small Windows applications like MPLAB running on these palmtops, as the standard development system is Visual C++ for Windows CE, that is used with the ordinary Visual C++ compiler. I've just ordered it from MS. Leon -- Leon Heller: Tel: +44 (0) 118 947 1424 See for details of a low-cost reconfigurable computing module using the XC6216 FPGA