Garrick A Kremesec > wrote: > Anyone ever do .... A VERY SIMPLE GUI on an LCD with a 17C44? I > don't know where to begin; I'm just curious if it has been done > with any degree of complexity. Garrick: Yeah, I've done a few... The best was on a text-only LCD, though, and it used a 16C65 rather than a 17C44. If you want to see it, call around to your local irrigation-supply houses and find one who's an Altec or Solatrol dealer... The product is a solar-powered commercial irrigation controller called the "LEIT-4000". Like the interface you're contemplating, mine was VERY simple... It included radio buttons, checkboxes, sliders, and spin boxes, and all user input came from a 4-button keypad (LEFT, RIGHT, YES/UP, and NO/DOWN). Essentially, it was just a a series of dialog boxes through which the user navigated. The "graphical" elements (open and closed radio buttons, open and closed checkboxes, a bold "OK" and miscellaneous other bold characters, double-headed vertical arrows, horizontal slider components, etc... And versions of each of those with an underscore cursor superimposed) were all created with custom characters generated on-the-fly as they were needed. The only tricky bit was designing the screens so that no more than eight custom characters (the LCD controller's limit) were ever displayed at any one time. Are you planning to do yours with a text-only LCD, or a graphics LCD? Using a graphic LCD is easier, but either way, it's important to write very well-defined routines to handle the interface... If you try to do each screen on an ad-hoc basis, you'll find that your code quickly gets really big and REALLY unmanageable; it's much simpler to spend the bulk of your time writing a really smart interface manager, so you can easily define each screen with a minimum of code and be sure that the interface will work no matter what those screens look like, -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California ===