> Anyone ever do this? A VERY SIMPLE GUI on an LCD with a 17C44? I don't > know where to begin; I'm just curious if it has been done with any degree > of complexity. Well, the first question I'd have would be what exactly you wish this "gui" to do; the second question would be what type of display you'll be using (dumb [you supply refresh and serial data in real-time], semi-smart [screen will buffer pixel data but PIC must draw any lines, boxes, characters, etc.], or smart [PIC simply gives the screen graphics commands and the LCD controller does them]. If you are using a semi-smart or smart display and you can establish fixed formats for all your windowing, a pseudo-GUI should not pose a problem. If you wish to allow users to arbitrarily move and re-order windows, and if partially-buried windows can be updated, then things are much more difficult.