> Yeah... both of those behaviorisms are truly befuddling IMHO. It's not as > though Internet mail is exactly a "new thing". It is to micro$oft :) > On the other hand, I'll admit that Pegasus' editor is also at times annoy- > ing. For example, I've been trying to figure out a good way to: I would agree that the editor has a few niggling problems. > -1- Disable line-wrap for certain lines, or at least manage to create lines > longer than the line-wrap limit. While I generally like to keep my > mails less than 76 char's/line, sometimes tables and such really do need > the full 79. Can't do it under Pegasus, though. You can sort of get around this by adjusting the wrap point under the special tab, and then adjusting it back afterwards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- | This | is | a | test | table | which | is | wider | than | 80 | characters | (just) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- It's not an ideal solution since it needs to be set about right, if it's too long then in the example above the beginning of the second line would wrap around to the end of the first line. > -2- Cut and paste text with leading tabs. Pegasus seems to convert them to > spaces (for code fragments, tabs are much more convenient than spaces; > I'm generally careful to format my code so tab stops of either 4 or 8 > will work decently). I have never noticed this before, because I have not really had to copy code in and out of Pegasus. I just tested it though, and the tabs seemed to be retained when copying into the editor from notepad, and when copying from the reader into notepad. The tabs also seem to be retained when doing cut/copy paste within the editor. > -3- Handle decently lines with varying margins, such as this four-point list. > Pegasus seems to wrap things all over the place; PC-Write 2.5 did much > better (later versions of PC-Write allow you to embed ruler lines within > the text; earlier ones would try to judge the left margin by the text that > was there. Right margin still had to be set by hand but could be changed > very easily). Agreed, although you can do it if you don't need to reformat the text afterwards (but it is hassle) :-) > -4- Use two spaces after periods without having to worry about whether Pegasus > will wrap an extra space onto the next line. PC-Write will simply let > extra spaces remain at the end of the previous line (which seems to work > pretty well). This is the one I have noticed most of all, as I use two spaces after a full stop as well. I don't know of a work around other than using a single space and inserting a second if you have to reformat the text :-( > Do you go after full-body HTML ones, or anything with embedded HTML? I know > some people like to use pseudo-HTML to emphasise text in otherwise non-HTML > documents (personally, I prefer /italic/, *BOLD*, ~superscript~, and > _underlined_ but that's just my taste.) Ideally I would just go for full bodied stuff, but seeing as a lot of people sending bulk junk mail use selected HTML to highlight, I have gone for that as well. The main reason I now use procmail is to get rid of the junk - according to the log, it deleted 6 junk mail messages sent to me last night alone ! I have given up trying to get removed from these things, a lot of them specify bogus remove addresses anyway, or so it would seem. Cheers, Ian.