> > I was kindly directed to the procmail tutorial my someone whose name I > have forgotten (thanks). I have one remaining question. I set up the > .procmailrc file to control the files to look for and the destination. > I've also setup the pf-save.rc and pf-check.rc files to coordinate the > saves. However, I've been unsuccessful making the files delete after they > are copied to the directory. I want them moved, not copy. I'm don't have > a strong grasp on the scripting language, so any comments would help. I think that was me. You're welcome. As for your .procmailrc you probably have filter rules with a 'c' flag (for carbon copy) in the flag list (the lines starting with the ':') If you remove the 'c' flag, then you won't get a copy in your inbox. Here's my rule for the PICLIST: :0w: * ^To.*PICLIST.* | (monthyear=`date +%b-%Y`;cat >> $HOME/Mail/PICLIST-$monthyear) This files all my list stuff my Month and year. Hope this helps, BAJ