> On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Martin R. Green wrote: > In the menu "extra" choose "services" > Select "internet mail" and click on properties > Click on "Message format" > Unselect the mime option. Note too that if you have a different type font selected for displaying messages and creating new ones (the former seems "stuck" on Arial--ugh!) then editing any line which contains old text (so that line now contains two different fonts) will make Exchange generate WINMAIL.DAT regardless of how your options are set. My advice: use Pegasus mailer (I don't have the URL handy, but AltaVista should find it no prob). I switched and have never looked back. PS--I know this isn't really PicList related, but there are enough people generating bogus WINMAIL.DAT's I think a post to the list is probably a good idea.