>1) For the PIC rated to operate on 3-6V, do they work reliablywhen powered > from a 3V lithium battery (ie Duracell DL123?) My experience with the 16LC622 is that they cannot reliably be operated from a 3V lithium battery at 4MHZ. (The data sheet claims that they will work down to 2V at a max clock of 40KHZ., but I needed a minimum clock of 4MZ.) With a 4MHZ crystal some parts will not even startup with a fresh lithium battery (3.3V to 3.6 V). My local FAE stated that the parts are speced at 4MHZ and 3.0 V. Other parts, will work fine at 2.4 V with a 4MHZ crystal. I ended up using two 3V lithiums in series to get any sort of reliable operation from the 16LC622. Remember to test at the voltages you expect with a weak battery. Good Luck. ----- Steve Miller