Dear Garrick, > I've just been monitoring this collection for a few days, and I'm new in > the PIC game, but does anyone experienced used the MPLAB-C complier? It > appears that amoungst the pros, everyone is a die-hard assembly > programmer. Are the compilers that aweful? > >___________________________________________________________________________ > Garrick Kremesec | "There is no witness so dreadful, no > University of Illinois U/C | accuser so terrible as the conscience > | that dwells in the heart of every > | man." - Polybius I'm using MPLAB-C since more than one year ago. However I must confess that I'm very disappointed by Microchip's compiler and support. So I would really like to advice you against using this compiler!!! In my opinion it's still very "buggy" and not very efficient (for example it produces plenty of unnecessary BSF/BCF commands of RP0 Bit and does often unnecessarily reload PCLATH). The assembly code produced is often very awkward even for simpliest C-source. Moreover it lacks the capability of linking different C and ASM modules nor it's able to overlay local variables. During the last year there were no significant improvements made to the compiler. So far I couldn't test the HI-TECH compiler thoroughly, but at first glance it's looking better. From my experience with another product of HI-TECH I can tell you that the support is better. Best regards, Marc Schmaeche ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZENTRUM FUER ANGEWANDTE MIKROELEKTRONIK UND NEUE TECHNOLOGIEN DER BAYERISCHEN FACHHOCHSCHULEN E.V. Dipl.-Ing. M.Schmaeche Tel.: +49 (0)9131 691145 ZAM-Anwenderzentrum Nbg. Fax: +49 (0)9131 691166 Am Weichselgarten 7 E-Mail: 91058 Erlangen, Germany (Ger/Eng/Spa welcome) -----------------------------------------------------------------------