Due to illness, Jim Robertson of Newfound Electronics is no longer able to offer the PicStart firmware file and chip upgrades. He has found the amount of ongoing support required has been very taxing on his health and regrets pulling the plug on what was to be a brave new venture for him. He is still contactable, and will continue with new sales and firmware file upgrades to his range of Warp-3 and PP1 PIC programmers which are now fitted with TM4 compatible firmware. This has the full Phoenix features. See: http://www.dontronics.com/phoenix.html BTW Recent massive unsolicited "Off-Topic" (to say the least) advertising generated from hotmail.com addresses to me, resulted in users accounts being de-activated. A complaint to postmaster@hotmail.com will now do the trick. They are now investigating their claimed 4.1 million E-Mail accounts for a complete kill of this type of activity. Nice to see hotmail.com well and truly on the case. Don't hesitate to contact them if you have a similar problem. Now if only we can get the other few odd thousands of ISP's to do the same. Don McKenzie mailto:don@dontronics.com http://www.dontronics.com SimmStick(tm) Atmel & PIC proto PCB's. 30 pin Simm Module Format. SLI, the serial LCD that auto detects baud rates from 100 to 125K bps. Send a blank message to mailto:info@dontronics.com for more details.