Been following these silly definitions and it occoured to me that if world views were gathered together and delivered in condensed form then maybe Mircochip could bounce them all at once!!!! So here goes- Thanks for all of them to everyone who commented. Please Mchip FIX YOUR SERVER ! your Parasite Infected Computer is causing Positively Incredible Contusions to my Personal Intellectual Creativity Please Ingest Carefuly as it may cause a Painfully Irritating Colon Potentially Inviolate Constipation Presently Induced Confusion Positively Ignominious Confabulation Purile Invective Colloquialism Past any Interest or Care Programmer In Coma. Preambulatory Incredible Consideration Practicly Insane Character Particularly Insensitive Computer Perversely Irrational uCode Pipline Instruction control Programmable Integrated Circuit Parts In Chandler Posthumous Irrational Comment Pretty Interesting Conversation