> With all this talk lately about the serial RAM's... > > Why use a SERIAL ram in the first place ? > They're much slower than the traditional parrallel > memories and RAMTRON has parrallel FRAM's as > well... so why bother ? Let's look at some characteristics of common devices [the "device" column is at the end of the table rather than the start to maximize the likelihood that everyone's mailreader will handle the tabs well.] I/O BOARD READ READ WRITE WRITE GLITCH DEVICE PINS SPACE SPEED ENDUR. SPEED ENDUR. RESIST TYPE ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ -------------- None None Fast Inf. V.Slow M's V.Good Int. EEPROM (16x84) Many Lots Fast Inf. Fast Inf. Vol. Parallel RAM Many Lots Fast Inf. *1 K's V.Good Parallel flash Many Lots Fast Inf. Slow M's V.Good Parallel EEPROM Few Little Medium Inf. Medium Inf. Vol. Serial RAM Few Little Medium 10G Medium 10G Fair Serial FRAM Few Little Medium Inf. Slow M's V.Good Serial EEPROM Few Little Medium Inf. *1 K's V.Good Serial flash I/O Pins: Many==16-24 or more; Few=2-4 Board space: Lots==28 or 32-pin package; Little==8-pin package Read/write speed: Fast==under 10us; Medium==10-1000us; Slow==over 1ms V.Slow==over 5ms; *1==medium except for page-erase cycle (over 100ms on some devices; over 2 seconds on others) Read/write endurance: K's==10,000-1M (typ.); M's==1M-20M (typically); 10G==10^10. Glitch-resist: V.Good==power glitches and such are unlikely to cause any damage to device contents outside of current byte being written. Vol.==power glitches (or loss of power) may trash entire device contents. Fair==memory contents non-volatile but stray signals may cause memory loss (even while trying to READ the device) Looking at the above table, serial RAMs are the only class of device which combines the features (Few I/O; infinite read endurance; medium-speed write) or (Few I/O; infinite write endurance). For applications which demand either of these feature combinations (or any of the others that serial RAMs uniquely provide) serial RAMs are probably the best choice... if they can be found anywhere...