>---------- >From: William Chops Westfield[SMTP:billw@CISCO.COM] >Sent: den 22 juli 1997 19:37 >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Subject: Re: PIC RF link software.. > > Now I would like to set up a digital data link using RS232C. To speed > up the link I think about some sort of data packaging, compression and > correction. All this would be burried into PIC (16C84) acting as a > link controller. > > Do you have any suggestions and/or ready made examples? > >I would think the PIC arcitecture would be particularly unsuitable for >implementing any of the currently popular compression algorithms. > >BillW To implement compression for GENERAL data in a PIC sounds complicated, but would be possible (but it would take long to write the software). If you are going to transfer text for example, it would be better to write a very simple routine that specifically transmits text more efficiently. Or if you will transfer simple images you can use the method used in fax and IFF-ILBM. The big question is if you really need to go through all this work just to shrink the data size down to not much less than half? The only efficient compression methods are MPEG for video and audio, and JPEG for photo images, but they are of course very complicated to implement. The speed of the PIC would also be a problem for all efficient and all general data compression methods, if your link is going to be fast. Attachment converted: wonderland:WINMAIL.DAT (????/----) (000041E4)