At 12:09 AM 7/22/97 +0100, you wrote: >Hi all, >Should there be any difference in the code required to use the pins A0 - >A3 on a 16c622 as opposed to a 16c84. Philip, If I recall correctly, you will need to disable the analog comparators in order to make the '622 behave like a '84. CMCONN <2:0> = 111. Power-on reset puts these three bits at 111, which turn the comparators on (not what you want if your code is already running in an '84. -Todd Peterson E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc. "Embedded Control & Integrated Circuit Solutions" EDE300 IC - Stamp I/O Expander & PC Interface IC EDE700 IC - Serial to LCD Interface IC EDE1200 IC - Stepper Motor Controller EDE1400 IC - Serial to Parallel-Printer IC