At 02:13 AM 7/15/97 -0400, Mike Keitz wrote: >All this talk about expanding the 16CXX instruction set is almost >certainly just talk as far as Microchip is concerned. However it may not >be very long before other companies start bringing out "Enhanced >pic-type" chips much like all the "enhanced" 8051's out there (unlike the >8051, the PIC is a solid foundation to start enhancing) I've used the 8051 derivatives but can't understand your implication that the 8051 is not a solid foundation - I'm curious - can you clarify why you believe this ? Rgds Mike Perth, Western Australia PS: Email privately if you prefer :) Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen