I use the TDE with Pro Mate II all the time. You need to make a .bat file like this. My TDE folder is in Program Files c:\progra files\tde file name: cvasm16a.bat contents: @echo off cvasm16.exe %1 /s The /s will strip off the usless stuff. I then use a shortcut in c:\windows\sendto CVASM The shortcut Cmd line: c:\progra~1\tde\cvasm16a.bat Working: c:\progra~1\tde Run: Minimized Check Close on exit. Now when you are done with your TDE program, open your folder where your .obj resides. Highlight it, right mouse click and Send To, choose CVASM. It's fast and easy. If you are running the new MPLAB 3.22.02 you will new to select File and Import to load your code. Hope this helps. Take care -Jim Jhobbs@quiknet.com