> Steve Lawther wrote: > > > > The I2C bus for the 24LCxx etc. covered this situation - It has a > > collision aviodanbce scheme built in, where when two masters each try > > to use the bus, the first to issue a high bit loses, realises it has > > lost, and holds off comms until the other has finished. > > > > For the full spec on I2C see the philips web-page app notes. (can't > > remember the URL) > > > > As to how this is implements in a 16F84, without any hardware to log > > start/stop bits etc - I'll leave to Andys (#s 1 to 64) and others > > Or see the I2C Zone by Vincent Himpe, maintainer of the I2C FAQ: http://www.ping.be/~ping0751/i2c.htm He's decided to convert it completely to html. I'm sure older versions are still available though. The FAQ is very good, certainly enlightened me! Conor.