On Tue, Jul 08, 1997 at 10:22:25AM -0400, myke predko wrote: > 2. Speed up MP-SIM in MPLAB. A good target would be 10K instruction cycles > per second on a 100 MHz Pentium. 10K???? That's not exactly setting your sights high. I have a PIC16Cxx simulator that manages over 1 million instruction cycles/second on a Pentium-100 (32 bit code under NT4.0). And that's all written in portable C. (The Win95/NT command line version is at http://www.htsoft.com/pic/simpic.exe if you want it. Run as "simpic xxx" to load xxx.hex and xxx.sym). > 4. Have MPLAB "remember" what project was being last executed on start-up. I'd add to that; * have MPLAB handle mouse clicks in the window that they're made in, not some other window * sensibly size SFR windows etc. when first opened; * allow more than one source file per project * provide a properly documented symbol file format it will read. * Make the Run/Stop keys/buttons the same thing (why have one key to start, and another to stop??) * Allow hot keys to be configured (I hate function keys) - for a simulator the keypad keys Ins/Enter/+/- are very convenient to use. Ins for start/stop, + for source step, - for assembler step. These fall naturally under your right hand (thumb on Ins, peter pointer on + and -) * 32 bit (Win95/NT) version of MPLAB. > 6. Publish the MPLAB programmer/emulator interfaces so that third parties > can come up with their own hardware. I've asked for that (but for the opposite reason - to provide alternative software) and the official response has been "no". -- Clyde Smith-Stubbs |HI-TECH Software, |Email: clyde@htsoft.com Ph: +61 7 3354 2411|P.O. Box 103, Alderley,|WWW: http://www.htsoft.com/ Fax: +61 7 3354 2422|QLD, 4051, AUSTRALIA. |PGP: finger clyde@htsoft.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSI C for the PIC! Now shipping! See www.htsoft.com for more info.