From: Ross McKenzie sagely comments: >And a final one; a US sitcom the other evening had someone saying > that they wouldn't be coming to Australia because they couldn't speak > Australian. Kind of an in joke perhaps. There is a resturant chain in the US called "Outback" that has ads featuring translations of Australian slang (in the heaviest brogue imaginable). I wonder if that doesn't foster the non-critical view that all countries have their own language. English speak English, Americans speak American, ad nausium. Those of you working with closed captioning may have noticed the xenophobic character set the FCC selected at the bidding of the National Captioning Institute and WGBH. Some accented characters, but not enough to do French. Some dingbats but not enough to do Spanish or Portugese. Odd. > >Cheers, > > How very English of you. Product of too many canings in colonial British boarding schools. Sincerely yours, > Win Wiencke Image Logic Corproration