At 22:50 02.7.1997 -0500, you wrote: >Hola, > I saw in a previous post that there are a few options when it >comes to temporary data storage. Serial EEPROM's and FRAM's... > All that I've read about serial EEPROM's is that they are a >little slow to finish the write cycle.. I am planning on using it in >a data logging situation that will need to write at about 100 data >bytes per second. 100 / 16 = 6.25 pages per second >>> = 160 mS Sample Time per page x 16 bytes. Where is the problem? Hi, year ago, i've make a project to log 16 channels analog data (x 16 bg). I've used 8 pc x 24C65 seeprom. There is only 5ms write cik. per page of 16 bytes. Sample frequency in my project was 100 measuring per sec, that is 50 stores per sec. ( 800 bytes ) Also i've add ADPCM compression to increase capacity. But don't forget that the typical endurance of eeprom is 1 000 000 E/W ! Now i'm planning to use any Memory Card bigger then 512 KB, with serial protocol, but which type? Any suggestion...? Chris B. > I have some EEPROMs but have not seen any suppliers for the >FRAM memory that was mentioned.. I've done a web search to no avail.. > Could someone point me in the right direction ? > Thanks in advance !! > > James Holbrook > >