>Dave, > This relates to a project I'm working on which uses a Dallas 1669 >non-volatile digital potentiometer and a PIC16C54A. Upon powerup I don't >want any glitches getting to the 1669 and incrementing the wiper >position (I want the output pin to be high). According to the 16C54A >data sheet the PORTA and PORTB registers are undefined upon RESET and >the TRIS is 11111111, all inputs so it appears to be OK if I have a >pullup resistor on the I/O and set the I/O register bit to 1 before I >set that pin as an output. Just double checking to see if there is a >potential problem here. Thanks > >Dan Mulally >dmulally@silver.sdsmt.edu On a project where I used the DS1669, it was necessary to put a 0.1uf mono bypass cap right on the socket. Otherwise, it would randomly switch from dual-button mode to single-button mode. That resulted in wiper movement in exactly the opposite from the desire direction 50% of the time. Reg Neale