At 01:01 AM 6/26/97 +0930, you wrote: big snip >> We could have Program Processors instead of Word Processors with >> editing cut, copy and paste over constructs and hooks built in >> to avoid those common programming mistakes they taught us >> in PASCAL to avoid etc... >> >> Definitely food for thought - wish I had thought of it - hang on >> let me work on that parallel universe sliding and I can have my wish ;) >> > >I already made a comment about the VC environment, but how about using a wp >with programmable extensions to do what your suggesting? Word with VB 4 >Apps comes to mind, but there are plenty of others - TextPad, by Helios; >etc > >MikeS > I have already suggested privately to a couple of people that they investigate the editor that I use with Clipper. It is called MultiEdit and a free evaluation version is available at It dynamically checks brace matching and finishes common command structures such as if/else/endif, do case/case/endcase etc for Clipper. Menu selection of other language structures. Can compile within app and return to offending line, etc. DOS and Windows versions available. Usual disclaimer about not being in their pocket ... just a very satisfied user. Regards, Ross McKenzie Melbourne Australia