>Dear All, > I'm writing the stepper motor control part of my PIC application >which controls a telescope. The position is maintained by encoders which snip Have you given any thought to using digital setting circles for your telescope controller. These are very accurate and are readily available for about $100 to $150. They have MANY different functions and modes of operation (both equatorial and alt/azm). The model on my scope can be set to display the distance that each axis is from a given object. Once both readouts are brought to 0, the desired object is in the field of view. You would need to get the information out of the setting circle unit and into your PIC. Maybe you could hack into the display and capture it from there. This information could then be used to control your positioning motors. Essentially, the digital setting circles would function as your position encoders, but they would provide a good deal more than that i.e. built-in databases of objects, next closest object to current position, etc. etc. Just a thought. Might not even be possible.