---------- > From: Harold Hallikainen > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: DTMF - Telephone Related > Date: Friday, 13 June 1997 01:36 > > Speaking further of expansion... What about this stuff of using > a single chip micro, then piling so many other chips around it that we > might as well have just used a standard microprocessor instead of a > microcontroller? It seems to me that microcontrollers are ideal for > small designs where the vast majority of the functionality is on the > controller. However, if we have to start using the chip in an "expanded > mode" where most of the I/O that we're paying for ends up being processor > bus, aren't there less expensive ways of getting processor bus? Also, > asuming size constraints can be met, once we go beyond a certain size, > how about just turning our design into an I/O board for the PC bus and > using low cost motherboards that are already out there? I did a project > a while back where one of our I/O boards included EPROM sockets so BIOS > would find and load our code instead of trying to boot from disk. Lotta > power for not much money! > You forgot to mention when using PC's for embedded apps the fact that you've got really cheap development environments and C compilers... MikeS