Hi, Im fairly new to pics, so if this is a dumb question please ignore it. I am using basic until i learn asm, and I noticed that if I close a momentary switch to bring an input pin high, it stays high for some time (approx. 15 seconds) then it will go low. I can set the pin low just after the pin goes high, but that doesnt alow me to see if the button is being held down. Below is some sample code. Is there a way to keep the pin from latching high for so long? Any help appreciated. 16c84 '---------- begin code ------------- input pin0 ' make pin 0 an input start: if pin0=0 then start ' loop until button pressed action: high 7 ' turn on an led (or whatever) wait: if pin0=1 then wait ' wait for pin 0 to go low goto start ' go back and wait for button again '--------------- end code --------------- The above code will loop on the wait label for about 8 seconds ( I didnt time it, But it was too long to be useful. If force pin0 low at the first line of the action label, it works but I cant tell if the button is held down. Thanks Glen Benson