At 03:04 PM 9/6/97 +0200, you wrote: >This question is a bit of topic but maybe someone can help me. > >I'm looking for a program with wich i can develop software for PAL's and GAL's >(JEDECfile type). I have a program (abel 4.0) wich we used a school but this program > needs a dongle on the printer port and i don't have this dongle. I have a schematic for > a programmer but hell i can't do anything with it unless i have a program to > develop the software for this programmer look at they have free GAL/PAL software. other software is also available. Opal Jr is one (National) PLDSHELL (Intel) there might be more. elrad has GAL assembler too hope you find some of those useable antti -- Silicon Studio Ltd. --