ÈDoes anyone know if there exists any WORKING C-compilers for PIC Èmicrocontrollers. I have been using MPLAB-C for a while, and it is simply Èthe WORST C-compiler I have ever tried. The compiler crashes if you do not Ècarefully insert spaces and comments at all critical places in your code. ÈIf you are lucky enough to be able to run the compilator on your code, you Ècan be quite shure that the code it produces is wrong. È ÈSo, is this the only option out there?? È ÈHŒvard Hi HŒvard! I couldn't agree more... I have written a C-program and in one line am I doing this calculation: . char nr_overflow=0; char timer_value=0; unsigned long period=0; char x =1; . . period=(timer_value+nr_overflow*256)/x; . . When I multiplie the variabel nr_overflow with 256 everything works fine. BUT, if I do the same thing but multiplie nr_overflow with 255, nothing works. The value that period get, is totally wrong!!!! You can find a DOS c-compiler at: http://www.htsoft.com I haven't tried this one, so I cant say if it's good or bad. //Lars Johansson, Stockholm Sweden