At 01:56 PM 6/6/97 -0500, you wrote: >Sorry for the bit off-topic post; I saw PIC traffic was down a bit and >thought I'd ask a question that's been on my mind recently. > >Although several in the past have commended us on our IC's PDF datasheets >(on our web site), we have one individual recently who insists that >PDF-format datasheets will be the downfall of mankind (no, I'm serious - the >guy has written many times complaining). Of course we offer to send a >printed version to him, but he actually just wants us to not use PDF >(stating that we and all other companies using PDF are "lazy")?!? > > CLIP < >I will post a summary of responses to the list & will send responses I >receive to anyone interested. > >Thanks again, > >Todd Peterson > >P.S. - I am very appreciative of any feedback on this matter. > I have found the pdf format to be a great way of distributing data sheet information. I can just browse through a list on a web site, click on it with Netscape and have the acrobat plugin fire up the reader for me, and besides the 30-40 secs it takes to grab one on burst transfer beats clicking on links and having to download each html page one by one. Matthew Taylor