> Actually, the biggest problem was the diskette drives; you couldn't find one > anywhere for less than $400. That was why an ASR 33 was so desireable, it had a paper tape reader/punch! > I don't remember 1024 x 3 SRAMs ever being "really cool". :) I'm sorry, I even read the follow up, and I just don't get it. Whatever do you mean '1024 x 3'? > Nobody mentioned Clive Maxwell's "Bebop to the Boolean Boogie"; despite it's > title, it really is good (I keep it by me at all times). I find it to be a > good, overall reference. Never seen it, any idea on where to get it? > I wish Don Lancaster was still writing the stuff he was doing in the late > '70s/early '80s. The metaphysical money making things that you can do with > a postscript "computer" (printer) is really getting boring. I just checked out his website. Sorta interesting, but I see your point. -dg David Gould dg@illustra.com 510.869.6383 or 510.305.9468 Informix Software (formerly Illustra) 1111 Broadway #2000 Oakland, CA 94607 - I realize now that irony has no place in business communications.