Jason Halayko wrote: > > Does anyone have any recomendations for a beginner's guide to PIC's. > I'm completely new to microcontrollers, so I need the basics. I've heard of > the > Easy PIC'n book, is it good? As I'm in Canada pretty much everything is > special > order and $$$$ but that's life. > > Thanks > > Jason Halayko There is a bit of a writeup at: http://dontronics.com/easy.html on this publication with user comments. You can order from this page with the secure encrypted order form, or you can order from the Author direct at: http://www.zapcom.net/~squareone/ Don McKenzie don@dontronics.com http://www.dontronics.com PICSTART and Newfound PIC Programmers Firmware Upgrades. SLI, the serial LCD that auto detects baud rates from 100 to 125K bps. SimmStick(tm) A PIC proto PCB the size of a 30 pin Simm Memory Module. Send a blank message to info@dontronics.com for more details.