At 06:51 PM 6/1/97 -0600, you wrote: >On serial comms, > > I didn't see anybody else mention it so, under the Win32 API >serial ports are accessed using CreateFile(), ReadFile(), and WriteFile() >where the 'file' is COM1, COM2, etc... I've never done this mind you and >am just looking at "About Communications" in the Win32 SDK. Sorry - guys - off topic but relevant to this thread, feel free to email direct to keep this off the list etc. Where does one get a full detailed cross referenced list of all Win3.11 and Win95 API's and access methods etc. There have been times when it would have been real useful to write a short (and hopefully) simple assembler routine to use a small number of API's but have not been able to understand how to access them 'directly'. I can get through via Borland Pascal - but find the results very complex and burdened with so much 'extra' code that it gets a bit ungainly. I'm uncomfortable with my present understanding of the mechanism of access into the Windows API system and feel I am missing something - I feel I need to go down a few levels to understand it better... Is the Windows API as accessible as a simple Jump table at a specified memory location - something like MSDOS and CP/M etc ? AND is there a list of these addresses/links with descriptions readily available ? I also hear MicroSoft will still not publish some of the more 'clever' Win3.11 API's - is this true or has someone hacked them out etc... Rgds Mike Perth, Western Australia The most isolated town (small city) on the planet. Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen