Hi, I have included a short text file that describes the ports of the UART on the PC. It comes from a utility program called HelpPC. The basic steps for using the UART in polled mode is to: 1. Set DLAB bit in LCR 2. Set Baud Rate divisor low byte and high byte (Divisor=115200/BRWanted) 3. Clear DLAB and set up other bits in LCR Now simply write to the data register to transmit or look at the receive flag in the lsr for receiving. Ask if the above is a bit cryptic! Niki At 07:13 PM 5/31/97 GMT, you wrote: >Hi everyone, > >I've just got a PIC program up and running to drive two RC servos and an >LCD display and talk to the PC via RS232. Question is, how the heck do >you talk to the serial port from the PC (eg. in Pascal). I know how to >read/write to the parallel port - just simply do a "Port[$***] := >whatever". But how's about the serial port? Can anyone help me out on >this? >Thanks >-Dave > * RM 1.2 * Eval Day 558 * RoboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message man >ger.