David Howey wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I've just got a PIC program up and running to drive two RC servos and an > LCD display and talk to the PC via RS232. Question is, how the heck do > you talk to the serial port from the PC (eg. in Pascal). I know how to > read/write to the parallel port - just simply do a "Port[$***] := > whatever". But how's about the serial port? Can anyone help me out on > this? Try these ftp sites: oak.oakland.edu (or www.acs.oakland.edu) and ftp.funet.fi. Both have good Pascal archives. I'm pretty certain youi can just download a Turbo pascal "unit" that has everything you want. If not, check their C archives. There are definitely C routines available that you could read and use as the basis of your code. Darren